Circular Economy

Faced with environmental challenges and the need to conserve resources, the transition to a truly circular economy depends on better management of materials and waste. Among the sectors concerned, the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector in particular faces a number of challenges. Their production uses up scarce resources and their end-of-life raises crucial issues in terms of recycling, repair and reuse. Developing sustainable solutions for our consumer products is not just a matter of technological innovation, but also of demanding, structured management. This is what is highlighted by the case studies in the ‘Circular Economy’ cycle, organised in partnership with the Mines urbaines chair, funded by the eco-organisation ecosystem, and the three schools of Mines Paris - PSL, Chimie ParisTech and Arts et Métiers.


Photo : © ecosystem / François Daburon



Professeur de management, Mines Paris – PSL, CGS-i3, UMR CNRS, codirecteur de la chaire Mines urbaines

Michel BERRY

Fondateur de l'École de Paris du management

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