Fnac Darty: fighting for sustainable and repairable products


Director of Service Policy, Fnac Darty

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday December 2, 2020 - 9h00 - 11h30

The Darty and Fnac brands have long been emblematic of the development of the consumer society. They merged into the same group in 2017 and they are now fully committed to the circular economy, promoting a model that is more respectful of the planet's resources, but also local employment. The battle for sustainability and repairability is also a condition for survival in the face of competitors such as Amazon, whose strategy is undermining the traditional distribution model. Actively contributing to shaping tomorrow's world is the ambition of the Group's Services Policy department, which is developing a new business model and strategy. This notably includes quality after-sales service and reliability and reparability indices that are taken into account by both consumers and manufacturers.

Circular Economy

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This session was published in issue n°149 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Transformations de fond.

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