Enlightening 2030

Le RAMEAU, a partner of the Economy and Sense seminar since 2014, co-organizes three sessions per year allowing people of different profiles (business leaders, associative leaders, researchers, territorial actors ...) to testify about their experience on innovative alliances in the service of the common good, embodying the ODD17 in practice. After a cycle ODD17 : engineering alliances in 2022, the 2023 Enlightening 2030 cycle presents examples recognized by the Fondation pour la Co-construction du bien commun, which values people, projects and territories embodying remarkable commitments to the co-construction of the common good, producing all their effects over time.


Charles-Benoît HEIDSIECK

Président-fondateur du RAMEAU (Rayonnement des associations par le mécénat d’entreprises, d’administrations et d’universités)

Michel BERRY

Fondateur de l'École de Paris du management

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