Sobriety, up to what point and how?

Jean-Louis BERGEY

ADEME, Project Manager Energy-Resources Transition(s) 2050

Seminar Economy and meaning | Friday June 24, 2022 - 14h00 - 16h30

To achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, ADEME – the french ecological transition agency - proposes four contrasting scenarios to enlighten political choices. Scenario number one, Frugal Generation, requires a sharp reduction in consumption, which would not be without constraints. In scenario number four, Restoration Gamble, our lifestyles would be preserved thanks to technologies in the early stages of development, but we would consume a lot of energy and materials. In addition to the long-term choices between these scenarios that politicians will make (or not make), it is essential that everyone – individuals, communities and businesses – work towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Developing sobriety is an idea on which there is a consensus today, at least in words. However, how far should we go, and above all how should we go about it? Jean-Louis Bergey will shed light on these questions. To do so, he will draw on the work of ADEME and the experiments it supports in local authorities and businesses.

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This session was published in issue n°158 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La trajectoire et la perspective.

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