Sustainable do-it-yourself: what a challenge!

Gislain MÉNARD

Quality Director, ADEO Group


Product CSR Manager, ADEO Group

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday December 6, 2023 - 9h00 - 11h30

Do-it-yourself is more often associated with ingenuity, thrift and amateur passion than with products lifespan, recycling, reparability or, more generally, environmental respect. And yet this is the ambition of the ADEO Group (Leroy Merlin, Weldom, Bricoman, Bricocenter...). The challenges are numerous when you are a producer, importer, distributor and host via an online marketplace. Furthermore, while being the European market leader helps to kick-start a transformation, it is also necessary to get the other players on board, so as not to be confined to the creation of standards limited to one's own ecosystem. Gislain Ménard and Pauline Toulemonde present the strategy followed by the French Group for several years. They also present the Group's hopes for the Home Index, a rating system that integrates data from its factories, suppliers and partners on its marketplace, which it expects will become a universal standard.

Circular Economy

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This session was published in issue n°167 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le pragmatisme des rêves.

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