How the HOP association fights against planned obsolescence

Laetitia VASSEUR

Co-founder and Executive Director of HOP

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday December 7, 2022 - 9h30 - 12h00

After having been involved, as a parliamentary collaborator, in the preparation of the 2015 law making planned obsolescence an offence, Laetitia Vasseur co-founded the french association HOP (Halte à l'obsolescence programmée), to turn the intentions behind this law into reality. HOP quickly took action: launch of a manifesto, mobilisation of experts, publication of surveys, development of numerous educational materials, launch of legal actions against Apple, Epson, Amazon, and Microsoft... With 620 members, 20 volunteers and a community of 60,000 members, HOP is now a major force. Its co-founder explains the association's approach, its challenges, its ambitions and its vision of sobriety. She also discusses the obstacles that still need to be overcome in order to move towards a virtuous circular economy, in other words one that is more local, more social and more ecological.

Circular Economy

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This session was published in issue n°161 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Mobilisation générale !.

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