Monday october 13, 2014 | 18h00 - 20h15 | Seminar Guest speakers
Wednesday june 1, 2011 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Monday october 4, 2004 | | Seminar Guest speakers
Wednesday december 3, 2003 | | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Wednesday july 3, 2002 | | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Wednesday february 6, 2002 | | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Thursday january 17, 2002 | | Seminar Social life
Wednesday january 9, 2002 | | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Wednesday november 7, 2001 | | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Monday march 20, 2000 | | Seminar Guest speakers
Thursday february 24, 2000 | | Seminar Social life
Monday november 20, 1995 | | Seminar Guest speakers
Monday october 2, 1995 | | Seminar Guest speakers
Friday september 7, 1990 | | Seminar Business life