Seminar Social life
Thursday February 24, 2000
A theatrical company from the Parisian suburbs decided to perform plays in areas of Paris which had no theatrical tradition. Its aim was to look deliberately for a new audience and to make it discover a form of entertainment to which it was not accustomed. It was decided to perform outdoors, free of charge. The company chose Ionesco’s Macbett, a modern farce about political ambitions and the meaning of power. The enthusiasm of the local population for the project led to a surprisingly festive ambience. Many people saw their involvement as a means of getting to know their neighbours. However, the enthusiasm of some people was counterbalanced by the reluctance and nervousness of others. Is there not a danger in exposing oneself too much to one’s neighbours ? Would someone not try to hijack these efforts politically ? Would the play not stir up violence among young people ? Aurélien Lorgnier, the project founder, talks about the ups and downs of this social and cultural adventure. It is a textbook case.
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