The titanesque struggle for the Louvre pyramid

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Frédéric COMPAIN

Réalisateur du film La bataille de la pyramide du Louvre

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Former Chairman of the Établissement public du Grand Louvre

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Architect in Partnership with Ieoh Ming Peï

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday March 20, 2000

How is it possible to successfully carry out a construction project worth about eight million Francs, entrusted to a foreign architect who refuses, on principle, to submit to a competition ; a project which is booed by government officials in charge of historical monuments, creates a media storm and raises huge and hitherto unheard of technical problems ? And all this, concerning one of the most treasured symbols of French culture... Such is the background for Frédéric Compain’s film ‘La Bataille de la pyramide du Louvre’, compiled with interviews from the main actors in this epic story. A discussion with Jean Lebrat, former Chairman of the Établissement public du Grand Louvre, and Michel Macary, architect in partnership with Ieoh Ming Peï, followed the projection of the film.

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This session was published in issue n°26 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le management en chefs-d’œuvre .

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