Transforming Lille into an international metropolis

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President of the supervisory board, Bonduelle, President of the committee for 'Grand Lille'

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday November 7, 2001

Bruno Bonduelle, who developed his company energetically and made it international, is spurred on by an obsession : to make Lille an international metropolis which is attractive for company head offices. Of course, it is because of his attachment to his home region that he has this drive but it is also linked to entrepreneurial interests. An international company needs executives who are very well qualified, but such candidates are attracted to large cities. What can be done for Lille and its suburbs ? Bruno Bonduelle suggested creating a structure to mobilise the energies of entrepreneurs, researchers, and local representatives and to spur on the authorities in power. The committee 'Grand Lille' was created in 1993 with an initial, rousing objective, namely Lille's candidacy as host to the Olympic Games.

The entire article was written by:

Emmanuelle PASCAL

This session was published in issue n°33 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Reconstruire.

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