Patrick PÉLATA

A graduate of the École polytechnique and École nationale des ponts et chaussées, and holder of a doctorate in socio-economics from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris, he has extensive experience in the automotive industry, with Renault and Nissan, where he was a senior executive, as well as with Salesforce in San Francisco, then as a consultant on the transformation of mobility. He spearheaded Renault's electric vehicle program, including the Zoé, announced in 2009. A member of the boards of Safran, Orano and Vulog, a car-sharing start-up, he is also Chairman of the National Academy of Technologies of France.

Participera à la séance suivante

Le développement de masse des véhicules électriques de 2000 à 2024

October 16, 2024 | Seminar Management of Innovation | Session report

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