Technology and Innovation, generators of growth: the case of Lectra Systèmes

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Managing director in charge of the Products division, the Lectra Systèmes group

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday June 16, 1999

How can one prosper as a supplier of software equipment and systems to a mature industry, such as the clothing industry, which is in decline ? Lectra Systèmes has taken up this challenge. Initially specialising in CAD-CAM for the clothing industry, the company has launched its products into the whole textile field, from textile design to sales and virtual fitting. It has also diversified by moving into the textile sector for the automobile and aeronautical industries. In order to achieve this, it has changed its strategy from that of integration based on specific structures, to an open-system strategy of the purchasing of components and of establishing numerous partnerships in order to ensure access to skills and markets. Today Lectra offers an increasingly complete and integrated service to its clients, and even enables the rationalisation of the entire added-value chain.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°21 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Vous avez dit burlesque ? .

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