Building the world’s best occupational medicine in France

Joseph PUZO

Chairman, Axon’ Cable

Seminar Industrial adventures | Wednesday November 22, 2023 - 17h30 - 19h30

Joseph Puzo, dissatisfied with the operation of the occupational health service with which he was dealing, applied to manage this activity himself. He obtained an agreement on condition that he did not poach health staff, who were already understaffed. So, he approached retired doctors and nurses, offering them permanent, flexible part-time contracts. Delighted to be back in work, they examined all the staff in one year, something that had never been done before. He organises the service to carry out in-depth health checks on staff, keep people with long-term illnesses at work and screen for silent diseases. Using digital tools and developing partnerships with hospitals, he believes that it is possible, in France, to create the best occupational medicine in the world, and he seeks to spread it.

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This session was published in issue n°167 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le pragmatisme des rêves.

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