Will Paris burn? How to adapt cities to climate change


Director of Transformation at SNCF Immobilier, author of Paris face au changement climatique

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday January 18, 2023 - 9h45 - 11h45

After being a purely theoretical concept for a long time, climate change has become a tangible reality all over the planet. Cities, which are both responsible for and victims of global warming, are only renewing their buildings at a rate of 1% per year and thus have to worry about adapting existing buildings and infrastructures. In 2050, Paris will have the same climate as Marseille and will experience more intense and longer heat waves than today. The solutions for facing up to this are widely known and low-tech: applying bioclimatic principles to buildings, limiting heat input (particularly from individual air conditioners), greening urban spaces, or even painting roofs white. To accelerate the adaptation of cities, and in particular condominiums, Franck Lirzin recommends the creation of concerted adaptation zones in the most climate change vulnerable neighbourhoods.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°161 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Mobilisation générale !.

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