How to improve RATP’s passenger information


Director of the Passenger Information Programme, former Head of the Electric Bus Programme, RATP

Seminar Business life | Friday February 11, 2022 - 9h30 - 12h00

An RATP (Paris public transport) passenger feels distressed when his metro or bus stops unexpectedly if he is not given any information. He may even panic quite quickly. Who can inform him? The driver. With what information? This is where it gets complicated. The information is dispersed among a multitude of agents and processed by systems that are not always the latest. The driver may fear that what he is about to say will be contradicted shortly afterwards. It is then tempting to say nothing... Passenger information is a subject that concerns almost all RATP staff, and which used to be everyone's problem. For Felix von Pechmann, appointed at the end of 2018 to solve it, it was necessary to put order into the processes, but above all to give 35,000 agents the desire to put passengers’ serenity at the heart of their concerns. Here is an account of the stages of a cultural revolution.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°156 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled De l'air dans les silos.

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