Ecov, private innovation at the service of public action


Vice President of Ecov

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday November 17, 2021 - 8h45 - 10h45

The car is public transport! This is the motto of Ecov, a start-up that helps local authorities to develop regular carpooling routes, as a complement to public transport networks, in a logic of “shared public service” provided by citizens. The idea was born out of a twofold observation: on the one hand, the ecological emergency and the need for social justice are putting public authorities back at the centre of the economic game; on the other hand, these challenges cannot be met without radical innovation, an exercise in which private sector companies are more experienced than public players. Ecov is therefore proposing a new mode of public innovation based on close collaboration between a start-up and local authorities, with the indispensable participation of citizens. This is how the sustainable mobility of tomorrow is being created.

The energy and ecological transition

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°155 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'engagement.

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