Giving a reason to come

Benoit SERRE

HRD of L'Oréal France, Vice-President of ANDRH (French Association of HRDs)

Seminar Business life | Friday December 10, 2021 - 10h30 - 12h30

The success of telework could mask the real issues of the future of work. The health crisis has amplified trends that were already present and to which companies must now respond, including telework. The crucial issue, however, is employee engagement. Contrary to popular belief, they agree to return to the company, but with new demands in terms of autonomy, work organisation and value sharing, subjects on which they expect concrete commitments. This transformation will have a considerable impact on managers, whose skills have been poorly evaluated and others over-valued in the crisis. It also has a determining effect on the importance of the company's role in society. The company must now give all employees, not just high potentials, a good reason to come, regardless of the country and the local culture.

Inside L'Oréal

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°155 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'engagement.

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