Van Gogh's dream

Dominique-Charles JANSSENS

President and founder of Institut Van Gogh

Seminar Creation | Tuesday June 8, 2021 - 8h45 - 11h00

“One day or another I think I will find a way to have my own exhibition in a café.” Vincent Van Gogh formulated this dream in a letter to his brother during his stay at the Ravoux auberge in Auvers-sur-Oise, where he spent the last months of his life. By force of destiny, an entrepreneur made this dream his own. Dominique-Charles Janssens had a serious road accident in 1985, right in front of this auberge, known as Van Gogh's House. He acquired this historical monument and the surrounding houses to turn it into a place of remembrance dedicated to Van Gogh, in the painter's spirit, marked by simplicity and modesty. This long adventure had to deal with the difficulties of running a cultural site on a private model, and could count on the extraordinary popularity of the painter throughout the world. Van Gogh's dream has yet to be fulfilled. By exhibiting a painting by this master in his last room, this place would become the smallest museum in the world.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°155 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'engagement.

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