Let's talk about energy transition paths


Executive Vice President, ENGIE


Associate and founder of Carbone 4, president of The Shift Project and professor at MINES ParisTech

Seminar L'École de Paris vient chez vous | Tuesday September 15, 2020 - 17h00 - 19h00

The paths of the energy transition are not as clearly marked out as we often hear. The solutions advocated by some are despised by others, depending on their own assessment of priorities and acceptable risks. Thus, for some, nuclear power is the most effective vector of the energy transition, while others consider it to be harmful above all else; thus, photovoltaic and wind power represent the future for some, while others denounce their large footprint and their effect on biodiversity; thus, for still others, environmental protection takes precedence over economic growth. How can we understand these divergent approaches and identify the most effective levers for action?

The energy and ecological transition

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°147 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Transcender la complexité.

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