How to create more freedom in large companies

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Director, labour relations and accountability, Michelin


Responsible for the co-ordination of the energy liberation process, OCP Group


Deputy CEO, Group director of human resources, ENGIE

Michel BERRY

Founder, École de Paris du management

Seminar L'École de Paris vient chez vous | Friday November 17, 2017 - 17h00 - 19h00

Faced with markets which are evolving ever more rapidly, companies are trying to become more responsive and creative. Some are trying out management methods which give more freedom, responsibility and initiatives to their employees. Consequently, we are witnessing the emergence of so-called ‘liberated’ companies which all tend to be rather small in size. Does this mean that this development is inaccessible to large groups whose heavy organisational structures, complex processes and systems of established management are holding them back? Examples from Michelin, OCP (the leading Moroccan company) and ENGIE suggest the opposite. Each one of these groups is exploring new organisational methods based on accountability and trust with humility and pragmatism, sometimes at the cost of radical in-house change, but the benefits are already starting to be felt.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°130 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le temps des catalyseurs.

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