Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday December 16, 2014 - 17h30 - 19h30
In 1983‚ Charles Gluszak founded Cocorette. He wanted to produce eggs the old-fashioned way, laid on straw by free-range hens which were fed healthily. This method of egg-laying allows time for a film of protein which surrounds the egg and forms a natural protection to dry. However, these eggs need to be collected manually. The cost price of an egg produced this way is twice as much as that of a battery egg. To do this on an industrial scale, production must be organised with care, and an original marketing strategy has to be found. The second generation of the Gluszak family is now in charge of the business and they have patiently perfected this operation. Today, Cocorette produces three hundred million eggs a year thanks to partnerships with more than three hundred farms. The company has obtained various quality certifications and has created a brand. It uses distribution outlets (such as restaurants) which pay attention to quality and which complete its supply to large-scale retailers.
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