Professor, Mines ParisTech, Author, ‘Le Commerce des promesses, petit traité de finances modernes et de L’industrie française décroche-t-elle ?’
Professor, Mines ParisTech, General manager, La Fabrique de l’industrie, Author, ‘L’industrie française décroche-t-elle ?’
Editor-in-chief, ‘Alternatives économiques’, Author, ‘Made in Germany, le modèle allemand au-delà des mythes’
CEO, Axon’Cable, President, Matéralia competitiveness cluster
Seminar Guest speakers
Monday June 3, 2013
- 19h - 21h15
Barely one hundred years after the major upheavals which marked the 20th century, what resources can France (which is said to be de-industrialised) and Europe (which is experiencing both a financial crisis and a crisis of legitimacy) rely on for their future ? Four guests attempt to provide answers to this question. They discuss the strength and fragility of Germany, competition from China, the long-awaited emergence of Africa, the French social model and European solidarity, and, finally, the place of new industrial technologies. These views paint a picture of the deep changes which await us and suggest potential solutions which are sometimes surprising and even iconoclastic.
The entire article was written by:
This session was published in issue n°106 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
Le défi français.
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