PhD in economics and finance. She has been in charge of the study and research department at the Centre international de développement et de recherche (CIDR) since 1982. She devised and perfected the methodology and the process of implementation of the project for the Caisses villageoises et de crédit autogérées (CVECA : Village Savings and Credit Association), which developed successfully in several regions of Africa. She has carried out numerous studies of identification and feasibility. She has also undertaken projects for monitoring and consultancy, as well as evaluations of microfinance and rural finance in more than twenty countries in Africa and Asia. She has organised and run workshops for the exchange of experiences, both in developed and in developing countries. She has been a speaker at university and specialist conferences on these topics. She has been an instructor at the SYDEC since 1995. She sat as a member of the Policy Advisory Group of the CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest) from 1995 to 1999.

A participé à la séance suivante

Microfinance and social ties

June 13, 2002 | Seminar Social life | Session report

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