After nine years' experience in auditing and statutory auditing in the banking, insurance and real estate sectors, she joined the École nationale d'administration (ENA) in 2008. On graduating, she joined the Inspectorate General of Finance, where she spent four years advising the government. In 2014, she joined the Direction générale des finances publiques as head of the bureau de la fiscalité des particuliers, and from 2015 to 2019, she was entrusted with the management of the french withholding tax project. From 2019 to 2021, she headed the national Tracfin unit, the French unit for combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and the Premier Cercle intelligence unit. She was appointed Director of the Institut national du service public (INSP) in 2021.

A participé à la séance suivante

From ENA to INSP: reforming recruitment and training of France's senior civil servants

November 10, 2023 | Seminar Business life | Session report

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