Engineering graduate (Centrale Paris), and MSc in engineering (University of Colorado). Having worked in an engineering structural design company and then in a technical consultancy, in 2009 he worked for an architectural consultancy firm. He was technical director of Norpac in 1998. From 2006 to 2009, he was in charge of research activities and development at Bouygues Construction and worked on the European Construction Technology Platform and jointly led the European Energy Efficient Buildings project regarding energy efficiency of buildings. Afterwards he became scientific director of the Rabot Dutilleul group. In 2013, he managed the team in charge of facilitating communication between Jeremy Rifkin’s various teams in the Nord Pas-de-Calais region’s master plan. He is currently project manager of the Third Industrial Revolution in the regional council.
A participé à la séance suivante
November 5, 2014
| Seminar Economy and meaning | Session report