Planning the greater Paris area : the new challenge of the Île-de-France region master plan

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Isabelle FABRE

Project manager for revising the Île-de-France region master plan to the Île-de-France regional council

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Institute for urban planning and development ; project manager of the Île-de-France region master plan

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday December 5, 2012 - 10h - 12h

Successfully creating harmonious development in the Île-de-France region is a gigantic headache. As well as the difficulty of co-ordinating changes in transport‚ building facilities, economic and even environmental activities, one must also negotiate with a multitude of organisations – including the State‚ the region‚ the city of Paris‚ local authorities and economic actors – each of which has its own agenda. The region managed to achieve this in 2008, but the Greater Paris Law, voted on in 2010, raised questions all over again. Since then the region set to work again and a new Ile-de-France master plan has just been adopted by the regional council. It now has to be submitted to a public inquiry, and then passed by the region and approved by the State Council. How can one manage to achieve harmonious development when the process is so complex ?

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