A fictional conversation about China between an 18th century jesuit and a modern-day industrialist

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Professor, École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr


President, Asian International Development Co. Ltd, Former director, Lafarge, China

Seminar Business life | Tuesday January 8, 2013 - 9h30 - 12h

What subjects would be topics of conversation between an 18th century French Jesuit priest and a highly qualified and very up-to-date Chinese engineer from the prestigious ‘Corps des mines’ if they were to sit next to each other on an Airbus A380 flight to Shanghai ? Obviously they share the same enthusiasm for China. This is the same China which, aside from all the political upheavals and the periodical renewal of its emperors of which Mao was one of the most sombre, combines meticulously the ideas of permanence and unity. Ignoring the centuries which divide them and the imaginary setting, this session explores the conversation a Jesuit priest and a businessman might have and casts light on the wide-reaching renaissance which is taking place in front of our eyes in China.

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