Seminar Business life
Friday November 9, 2012
- 9h30 - 12h
The development of alternative sources of energy brings with it economic and political difficulties which are often unexpected. As well as the generous feed-in tariffs put in place to encourage wind and solar power production‚ there are costs associated with developing networks in order to transport electricity from where it is produced to where it is consumed, and the need to finance the necessary capacity to satisfy the demand in electricity. In the light of the current debt crisis, will governments be able to continue to provide this assistance ? The installation of wind turbines and the construction of networks face opposition from local populations. In addition, because connections exist between European countries, these encourage some countries‚ such as Germany‚ to make their neighbours pay compensation for the intermittent generation of electricity by wind. After the crisis associated with the Euro, will Europe now have to cope with an electricity crisis ?
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