Large and small railway projects defused by public debate

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In charge of the communication and public debate unit, Réseau Ferré de France

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday October 3, 2012 - 10h - 12h

Réseau Ferré de France’s (RFF) communication and public debate unit was created following the public debate organised in 2000 by the French National Public Debate Commission regarding the project to extend the southern section of the Rhine-Rhône TGV line. There are two parts to its mission : to advise and accompany the team projects which want to set up consultation meetings or public debates ; and to establish and develop the culture and politics of the company in terms of communication with the public which is directly affected by the railway network. The RFF unit is resolutely oriented towards capitalisation, valorisation and extending dialogue beyond public debates. The unit has become an expert in communication. It starts by making an inventory of the most frequent requests and needs expressed. Attention is also paid to the answers given, which should be the same throughout the country. Jean-Marc Dziedzicki illustrates his talk by using examples from thirteen public debates and of successful communication concerning railway projects carried out since 2000.

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