Explaining the crisis in Toyota's Valenciennes factory

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Tommaso PARDI

Directeur adjoint du GIS-Gerpisa à l’ENS de Cachan, Auteur d’une thèse de l’EHESS sur La Révolution qui n’a pas eu lieu : les constructeurs japonais en Europe (1970-2010)

Seminar Company cultures and managements | Monday May 21, 2012 - 17h - 19h

After production began at the French subsidiary of Toyota in Valenciennes in 2001, unexpected problems became apparent at work, and turnover in the labour force was high. Have these problems come to light because the Toyota production system is not suited to local conditions, or is it because, behind the façade of lifetime employment, and seniority wage – "Nenko in Japanese – (traditionally associated with the Toyota Production System), there is in fact a more worrying situation ? Although this social crisis – which has existed in Toyota’s French factory since production began – is exceptional because of its scale and significance, it seems to be the usual consequence of this production system whenever it is applied away from the institutional, economic, social and cultural situation where it is viable.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°99 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Sources de performance.

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