Achieving growth recovery

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Jean-Marc DANIEL

Professor, ESCP-Europe, Editor-in-chief, ‘Sociétal’

Seminar Business life | Friday February 3, 2012 - 9h30 - 12h

Comments on economic topics are often tendentious and short-sighted. They focus on defending or destroying the Euro, and on the assertion (presented as self-evident) that Europe – and especially France (since 1763) – is declining inexorably. The comments tend to be based on inaccurate technical estimates (for example, confusion between a state’s and a country’s deficit, or comparison between a state and a company), do not successfully prioritise problems, and show a blatant lack of historical hindsight. Jean-Marc Daniel proposes an assessment of the French economic situation based on a cyclical analysis of the economy. The main problem with this line of reasoning is being objective about potential growth. To correct the situation, economic policy should encourage increased productivity as a result of increased competition and innovation, and of systematic research for improvement in terms of trade. It should exclude inflation, devaluation, neo-mercantilism and protectionism.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°96 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Danse avec l'incertain.

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