A sector-based approach to privaty equity

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Investment director, Demeter Partners

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday October 19, 2011 - 8h45 - 10h45

The world of private equity is usually organised according to the size and maturity of the targeted companies. The usual progression is from seed capital to venture capital, growth capital, and finally leveraged buyouts. The originality of Demeter Partners stems from its approach as a specialist in the eco-industry sector (problems concerning waste, water, and green chemistry) and the eco-energies (renewable energies, energy efficiency, clean transport), as well as its multi-stage portfolio as a result of working in each of the four stages of private equity activity. The sector investment model allows a better knowledge of the area and promotes networking, open innovation, and synergies between financed companies. The multi-stage approach ensures that the risks between the different activities of investment can be shared. Will the original approach of Demeter Partners help them to overcome the current difficulties in the private equity sector ?

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