Seminar Guest speakers
Tuesday June 7, 2011
- 19h - 21h15
If we are the children of the television generation, then the next generation will undoubtedly be the Internet and digital tools generation which our society has put at their disposal. But who are our children and grand-children ? They are part of a community but at the same time are also independent ; they have collective values, but are naturally wary of values that we held ; they surf the Net with ease to glean information, but remain resistant to our teaching models ; they are creative and mobile, but not very concerned about strategic planning and profitability. Are they mutants who can control inaccessible technologies or child-players in a world full of artefacts which seem as natural to them as air and water ? Gérard Berry, from his perspective at the Collège de France (a prestigious higher education establishment) and his experience in kindergartens, observes them and asks a few simple questions. But are we ready to hand this world over to them, a world which is no longer entirely in our hands and is already in theirs ?
The entire article was written by:
This session was published in issue n°92 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
Virements de bord.
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