From research to business : lost in translation ?

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Laurent KOTT

President, IT-Translation

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday February 9, 2011 - 8h45 - 10h45

IT-Translation was started by the initiative of the INRIA (French national institute for research in computer science and control) with support from CDC Entreprises (a state-owned capital investment group). It is a new organisation devoted to promoting public research work in the field of digital science and technology by creating innovative companies. IT-Translation brings together ways of providing practical help and advice to these start-ups, and providing them with financial help. It then applied these in a resolute manner over the first two years of the start-up. IT-Translation's interventions pave the way for the start-up to have a solid and professional foundation from the onset. The company can then move quickly from a research-based culture to a corporate culture, think 'marketing' rather than 'technique', approach issues of business development at once, and be in a position to increase its services as a result of a substantial contribution of equity capital. Consequently, the company can devote its energy to creating its products using technologies developed in research, sell them, and then grow with help (if necessary) from other financial or industrial institutions.

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