A higher education institution of regional public service : a melting pot of local democracy ?

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Assistant managing director, Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT), Director, Institut national des études territoriales (INET : National institute for regional studies)

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday March 2, 2011 - 8h45 - 10h45

The National institute for regional studies (INET) was created as an extension to the first wave of decentralisation established by law on March 2nd, 1982. It provides training for senior executives in regions which have a degree of autonomy. It places emphasis on teaching which is based both in the institute and on work placement (or sandwich courses) in local authorities, using a variety of instructors (such as university professors, local MPs, civil servants and consultants), and adapting the curriculum to the individual interests of each student. It helps to build a Girondist (moderate republican) culture of local public service as opposed to a Jacobin (radical republican) culture as delivered by the public administrator institution, ENA (École nationale d'administration) which trains high-flying civil servants. Even though the INET still has to work on improving its public profile, governance and links with the research world, it has acquired a level of stability which is proof of the legitimacy of its model.

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