France, the brand

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Engineering graduate, Ecole des Mines, Author, La Marque France 'France as a brand' (thesis)


Engineering graduate, Ecole des Mines, Author, La Marque France 'France as a brand' (thesis)


Former company manager in industry and the luxury goods industry, Affiliated Professor, HEC Business School

Jean-Daniel TORDJMAN

Ambassador-at-large, Special representative of France abroad

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday December 6, 2010 - 19h - 21h15

In this turbulent era of globalisation, competition is fierce for countries to find markets for their companies, acquire investment projects, and to as many tourists as possible who are looking for a change of scene and new experiences. In the middle of this turbulence, France stands out because of its long history and very rich culture. If companies can make the most of their brands, and in so doing, create a brand strategy, surely it should be possible for France to take advantage of our reputation and its uniqueness to create its own national brand ? Globalisation is an opportunity for countries to set themselves apart, and they will have a serious problem if they are unable to do so. In order to make oneself stand out, it is important to have a clear idea of the image that others have of us. Rather than emphasizing only technological performance in order to persuade others of French excellence, would we not do better by promoting our strong points as foreigners see us, such as 'Douce France' ('Sweet France'), a country appreciated for its way of life, and a global standard for the luxury goods industry. How does one reconcile the France which foreigners love with the France which the French want to show to the world ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°89 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Miser sur le rêve.

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