Professor, Collège de France (prestigious, scientific, cultural and public establishment for teaching and research), President, in charge of a commission regarding the content of manuals and the teaching syllabus of social and economic science in seconda
Professor, social and economic science, Editor of a collection of manuals, Vice president, Association of economic and social science teachers (Association des professeurs de sciences économiques et sociales, APSES)
Sociology professor, Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University
Seminar Guest speakers
Monday October 18, 2010
- 19h - 21h15
The teaching of economic and social science in secondary schools has been criticised since 2007. Some see it as too ideological ; others, too detached from reality or not meticulous enough. Those who defend it, highlight the satisfactory results that the teaching of the subject has produced in terms of its attraction and the continued successof students of economic and social science in their future studies. After discussion and the publication of various reports, reorganisation was started in 2009. The year the reorganisation has already been implemented in the fifth year of secondary school (Year 11 in the UK) but teachers do not think it is suitable. They criticise the nature of the syllabus (which they consider to be excessively ambitious and encyclopaedic), the educational inefficiency of the approach (which consists of concepts rather than questions which motivate pupils), and the division created between economic and sociological approaches. Everyone, however, agrees about one factor : an ambitious reform is difficult to draw up in six weeks, as was the case for this one.
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