A method of assessing innovative projects

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Monnier Innovation Management


Crédit Agricole

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday April 14, 2010 - 8h45 - 10h45

How should one assess an innovation ? How does one know if implementing the necessary means for exploration and development is justified ? Bernard Monnier developed the MIM© method which enables one to measure the potential of a technological proposition or service, to assess a company's capacity for innovation, to assess the potential added value from further research, and to put a price on the value of one's patent portfolio. This method can be applied to services or innovations which have little or no connections with research. The speakers explain how they used this method to assess innovative ideas devised by the Caisses Régionales of the Crédit Agricole in order to provide financial support, and also to devise a plan suited to business incubation. The method prompts one to anticipate what one must do so that an innovation is successful in the market, and encourages work in a team-project setting bringing together all the key skills in an open framework of innovation.

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