Health in the workplace

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Jacques BOUVET

President, AINF and the Cercle Entreprises et Santé


European co-ordinator, Pôle Santé Travail, CFE CGC


Managing director, human resources, BPCE Group

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday June 7, 2010 - 19h - 21h15

The realisation of the importance of health in the workplace was recognised in 2009. Companies with more than one thousand employees now have to publish their policies and actions to prevent stress. The increase in the number of RSE (responsabilité sociale des enterprises : corporate social responsibility) reports is proof of the increased concern about the quality of life in the workplace. Is this a passing fad or the beginning of an in-depth movement ? One has to change management and organisational methods regarding health in the workplace totally. This can only take place if one mobilises human resources, the Health & Safety Executive, occupational medicine, operators, and staff representatives. However, even though companies and public institutions are used to taking 'hard' risks (such as accidents in the workplace and illnesses occurring in the profession) into account, they are less accustomed to 'soft' risks, such as psychosocial risk factors. This has given rise to various questions such as 'what should one measure ?', 'how should one react ?', 'how should one negotiate ?', and, lastly, 'how one should include all those involved in the problems which occur ?' "Écouter ou télécharger l'enregistrement de cette séance":

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