The unlikely success story of the “Rue des Entrepreneurs”

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Didier ADÈS

Journalist, Producer, France Inter radio

Dominique DAMBERT

Journalist, Producer, France Inter radio

Seminar Social life | Thursday February 18, 2010 - 18h - 20h

When Didier Adès and Dominique Dambert began producing the radio programme 'Rue des entrepreneurs' for France Inter in 1983, they wanted to help listeners to understand the minutiae of French economic life : not the importance of balancing a budget or monetary theory, but the problems which entrepreneurs encounter in their attempts to make their companies function profitably, and how exporting works. In order to achieve this challenge successfully, they had to find interesting topics, speakers capable of expressing themselves clearly on the radio, the correct view to adopt with respect to news and current affairs so that one can analyse a situation without becoming too emotionally attached, and the necessary weight to make people respect their impartiality. Year after year, working together closely, but in an informal way, they learned to make the correct choices which have enabled them to attract three million listeners each week. Their finely-honed approach, initial intuition, their increasing experience in spite of limited means, has made their programme a point of reference in the media.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°84 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Faut-il avoir peur des rites ?.

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