From co-operatives to entrepreneurs

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Félicie DOMÈNE

Gérante de Régate du Tarn et de l'Aveyron

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday November 18, 2009 - 8h45 - 10h45

In 1997, five partners created Régate, an innovative organisation with the aim of providing support for the unemployed who had a professional project. After lengthy discussions with the relevant regional administrators in order to change existing structures, they devised a method of providing support for job-seekers as well as the practical details for dealing with their new activities. The apprentice entrepreneurs can keep their unemployment rights and social security because they were previously employed. These entrepreneurs are carefully supervised by a partner in Régate, and benefit from the stimulating atmosphere. This facilitates their social integration. At the end of their time with Régate, one-third of the apprentices create their own businesses, and are able to maintain their activity over the long term. Others, hoping to prolong the support they receive from Régate, extend their contract with Régate, and become part of the management, thereby demonstrating a French model of co-operation between entrepreneurs which is starting to gain a foothold in France.

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