Sociologist, Author, 'Absurd Decisions' (Les décisions absurdes, ed. Gallimard)
Former manager, a hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Former general secretary, SOU Médical (insurance company for doctors)
Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Soulez Larivière & Associés
Seminar Guest speakers
Monday October 19, 2009
- 19h - 21h15
When mistakes are made, the usual reaction is punishment. However, organisations are tending to move away from such a reaction. The rationale for this is that errors are dealt with more efficiently if sanctions are not introduced, and people are encouraged to talk about mistakes which have been made and to learn from their experiences, avoiding similar mistakes in the future. This approach is most likely to be adopted in 'high-risk' organisations, a fact which appears paradoxical since these are the organisations where the consequences generated by mistakes are most serious, but where these errors are least punished. If sympathy is greatest between the general public and the victims after a catastrophe, how should one punish those responsible ?
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