The role of the circus in the revival of the theatre

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Actress, scriptwriter, film director, composer, President, Académie Fratellini, school of circus arts

Seminar Creation | Tuesday October 13, 2009 - 8h45 à 11h00

According to Coline Serreau, it is in the circus where new and meaningful artistic forms are expressed, and no longer the theatre. The theatre of today is no longer able to explain the chaos which exists in our society. It is part of the 'new farce theatre' (theatre du boulevard) which presents psychoanalytical intrigues or new, large, official 'academic art' paintings (so-called art pompier), and has lost its meaning in formal research, The public is disenchanted by theatre, preferring instead an art form which is not expressed in words, but which puts more emphasis on the human body, and still has a political impact. The Académie Fratellini is an incubator for talented artists who are seeking to revive the circus. It was created by the granddaughter of one of the famous Fratellini brothers who were a trio of clowns. It is a place for creativity but grew up in the shadows. It was wary of being too dependent on public finance, and found its strength in strict discipline. Today, the Académie is housed in a prestigious building, although remaining on the outskirts of Paris. Perhaps a revival of the living arts will emerge from the creative movement it encourages by a process of diffusion.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°81 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'âme des troupes.

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