Manager, education and civic involvement - social responsibility department, Renault, Director, 'International Management' MBA, Dauphine/Sorbonne/Renault
Emeritus professor, University of Strasburg, Founder, work group on European multilingualism
Seminar Company cultures and managements
Monday June 22, 2009
- 17h - 19h
Can people afford not to speak English in these times of globalisation ? Is English merely a common and practical aid to facilitate working together ? Alternatively, does the use of English reflect power struggles which exist between various groups in companies, or is it just an ideology which challenges the real role of language and, consequently, cultural and social factors which are at work in the corporate world ? A linguist and an industrialist discuss how language is used in business.
The entire article was written by:
This session was published in issue n°81 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
L'âme des troupes.
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