Open innovation: where do french companies stand ?

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Thierry WEIL

Professor, Mines ParisTech, Member, FutuRIS work group on management practices concerning innovation

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Former research director, PSA, Member, FutuRIS project

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Germain SANZ

Former director of innovation, Arcelor, Member, FutuRIS project

Seminar Management of Innovation | Thursday February 5, 2009 - 8h45 - 10h45

Open innovation has been adopted by a large number of companies including the very large organisations. With open innovation, there is an opportunity for them to cut costs, to discover and better control technologies and markets, as well as the ability to offer comprehensive solutions and make money from their skills. However, open innovation can only work if the company adopts this approach over the long-term, if it aligns its process of internal management of innovation with this point of view, and if it makes its plans and objectives with its partners clearer. It should also maintain its own internal research and development (R&D) department if it wants to master the technical culture which is essential in order to understand the solutions of other organisations, and to integrate them into its product. However, this may lead to a dilemma : should the company bring limited changes to its own system of innovation, or would it be better to change the models radically in order to benefit fully from open innovation ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°81 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'âme des troupes.

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