Regional forecasting and local strategy for a local housing authority

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Managing director, OPAC social housing association, Saône et Loire département

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday March 4, 2009 - 8h45 - 10h45

The OPAC Saône et Loire decided that it no longer wanted to be viewed as merely the institution one calls upon when a desperate situation warrants urgent action in order to construct social housing. In fact its activity has made it an active participant in town and country planning. Subsequently, since 2007, it has tried to devise a way of moving forward with its own dynamics to enable it to intervene in the early stages when decisions about departmental public policy are being made. It has developed a corporate business mission to make its identity clear, and at the same time asked the consultancy Algoé to carry out a study about the future of the four conurbations in the Saône-et-Loire département on a timescale of between fifteen and twenty years, in order to determine the areas where social housing could improve the economic and social dynamics of the département. Eric Philippart intends to organise a meeting with the representatives of the local authorities in order to discuss the results of this study.

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