How Ninterndo is leading the revolution in the video game industry

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Stéphane BOLE

Managing director, Nintendo France

Seminar Creation | Tuesday March 10, 2009 - 8h45 - 10h45

In a highly competitive market, where those involved devote themselves to outdoing their rivals technologically, Nintendo has chosen a path which is both sober and convivial. In so doing, the company has certainly reduced its costs but more importantly it has marketed games which are radically different and likely to attract a new audience. The advent of the Wii games console has expanded the area which used to be limited to video game players, and has tapped a market of enthusiasts from all ages and backgrounds. The Wii can even be found in retirement homes. This is the result of a strategy which has wasted no time in changing norms, and has preferred to concentrate on the player's enjoyment, and to focus on creativity rather than technical aspects. As a result, Nintendo has redefined the value of the video games market and restructured its competitive environment.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°79 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Rêver et gérer.

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