Advertising : a world where the Lion is king

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Frédéric GERVAIS

Artistic director, Publicis Groupe

Seminar Creation | Tuesday January 13, 2009 - 8h45 - 10h45

Is advertising a world of unbridled imagination where any kind of boldness is allowed and where the most creative talents are at the service of their clients ? Frédéric Gervais argues that this is a misconception. In reality, it is more subtle : even though the copywriters' talent is undeniable, it is closely channelled by advertising agencies. This is often at the expense of originality. Advertising is a paradoxical world where copywriters, who are assumed to be uncontrollable, are not allowed to meet the people for whom they work, their clients. To limit the risks, a series of partitions exists between the copywriter and the client. That said, is the copywriter really interested in his clients ? Surely his objective is to be awarded a 'Lion', the ultimate reward which advertising agencies give out each year to the most creative copywriter ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°77 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Fiertés locales.

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