Jean Nouvel and his ateliers

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Development director, Ateliers Jean Nouvel

Seminar Creation | Tuesday December 16, 2008 - 8h45 - 10h45

Having won the Pritzker Architecture Prize, Jean Nouvel reached a new high. For the Ateliers Jean Nouvel and its 150 staff who work on about 60 projects, 80 % of which are in countries outside France, it is a challenge which they face every day, and which has reached a new summit. The Ateliers is the organisation which Jean Nouvel depends on for creativity. It is an original architectural practice which has been built up with time, and is not without its fair share of difficulties. The Ateliers is essential for his work. Nouvel delegates part of the creative process to this team which has to be able to manage his so-called 'non style' for which Nouvel has become famous. As far as his employees are concerned, Jean Nouvel is the 'rich natural resource of the company' which must be treated with care and used in the most efficient way for each project. The Ateliers is a surprising symbiosis between a dedicated man with artistic talent, and a company which has to face economic pressure and well-defined organisational and managerial challenges.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°78 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le monde des jobs et le monde des œuvres.

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