Competitiveness clusters : a paradoxical approach ?

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Manager of the programme on economic development and the creation of local employment, OECD


Managing director in charge of companies, Minefe


Vice president, Cap Digital Paris Régional

Pierre VELTZ

Professor, École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday December 3, 2007 - 19h - 21h15

Michael Porter popularised the idea that clusters are the source of competitivity in regions. In 2005, and in the face of increasingly staunch competition, French authorities launched an invitation to tender for projects with the intention of creating 'competitiveness clusters'. However, several paradoxes appeared at the very beginning. How can the State create competitive centres quickly when the success of clusters is often due to the necessary long period taken for society to mature ? Is the State capable of implementing a policy of regional concentration despite its tradition of being egalitarian, and in spite of rivalry between local authorities ? Will important industrial groups which are used to a succession of state-run projects really have sufficient confidence to invest ? What are the administrative criteria for the financing necessary to encourage very innovative, young companies ? The discussion here suggests that the initiative is promising but it is likely that the road to success will be difficult.

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This session was published in issue n°70 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Les pôles de compétitivité, des rêves de conquêtes partagés ?.

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